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Cheerful Seniors

Providing a Legacy of Care

We are committed to improving the health of children through its support of research, education, and clinical care. Our goal is to see that Oklahoma’s children receive the best possible health care available—to never have to leave the state to receive specialized care. By planning a gift to the Foundation, you can make a lasting impression on children's health care while also enjoying possible tax and financial benefits for yourself and your loved ones. There are many options from which to choose.


The search for significance and the desire to plan for your family’s future may lead you to consider a charitable bequest to the Foundation. This type of gift can help shape the legacy you leave for your loved ones for many years to come. It is suggested you consult with your attorney or financial advisor prior to selecting a means of making an estate gift.  We have literature available on estate planning.


Contact Jeremiah Lane at (405) 833-3437 or for additional information on bequests or to talk more about the different options for including the Foundation in your will or estate plan.



  • If you include the Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

    • Legal Name: Children's Medical Research Inc.

    • Address: 1001 NW 63rd Street, Suite 210, Oklahoma City, OK 73116

    • Federal Tax ID Number: 73-1200262


The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice.  For legal advice, please consult an attorney.  References to estate and income tax include federal taxes only; individual state taxes may further impact results.

Contact Us

1001 NW 63rd Street, Suite 210

Oklahoma City, OK 73116

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Registered Charity Number : 73-1200262

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